Blog Czemu nie mogę przekopiować dużych plików na moje USB?

Masz pamięć USB o pojemności 8GB. Jest zupełnia pusta i chcesz skopiować na nią duży plik, powiedzmy 5GB. Jednakże otrzymujesz wiadomość z informacją "zbyt mało miejsca na dysku", pomimo faktu, że jest na nim dużo "wolnego miejsca".

Dlaczego pojawia się ten komunikat?
Większość dysków USB jest sformatowana jako "System plików FAT32". System ten został utworzony w 1995 r. i, z uwagi na ochronę komputera, nakłada ograniczenia na kopiowanie plików na dyskach USB, jeśli przekraczają pojemność 4GB - w 1995 roku to była bardzo dużo ilość danych!

Istnieje jednak system, który nazywa się 'Extended File Allocation Table" (ExFAT) stworzony przez firmę Microsoft. Jest on idealnym rozwiązaniem dla użytkowników systemów operacyjnych Windows. We Flashbay używamy ExFAT do formatowania naszych model o pojemności 64GB lub dla pamięci USB, na których wgrywamy dane o pojemności większej niż 4GB. Wszystkie nasze pozostałe dyski są sformatowane w systemie FAT32.

1) Sprawdź, czy twój dysk USB jest pusty i czy zapisałeś swoje pliki w bezpiecznym miejscu na komputerze.

2) Otwórz opcję "Moj komputer", kliknij prawym przyciskiem myszy na ikonę dysku USB i wybierz pozycję 'Format'

3) Pojawi się pole 'Format'. Z rozwijanego menu wybierz opcję 'ExFAT". Może też być do wyboru opcja NTFS - w niektórych przypadkach można również uzyć i tego systemu. Więcej informacji znajdziej tutaj (w języku angielskim).

4) Kliknij przycisk 'Start' i przejdź z formatu FAT32 na ExFAT. Zajmie to około dwóch minut.

To już wszystko. Teraz możesz skopiować pliki powyżej 4GB na dysk USB, oczywiście, jeśli masz wystarczająco dużo miejsca wolnego.

Wypełnij naszą szybka wycenę a jeden z naszych dedykowanych konsultantów skontaktuje się z Tobą tak szybko, jak tylko to możliwe. 

flashbay Autor: Sam Sanchez
51 Komentarze | Zostaw swój 
Jake | 09 Dec, 2024
What is the computer folder
Carrie | 20 Nov, 2024
Very helpful
Sha | 06 Nov, 2024
Rogers | 27 Oct, 2024
Thanks so much i registered success
Jimmy | 07 Sep, 2024
Unbelievable…racked my brain calculating why I could save a large file than voila! Worked after using your recommendation. Much Appreciated!!
PASCAL | 28 Aug, 2024
merci fait le job mais ensuite impossible de lire sur tv ou box
Natalia | 17 Aug, 2024
This worked for me. Thank you very much!
dimple | 26 Jul, 2024
it really works.
maka | 02 Jul, 2024
worked for me
Cam | 19 Mar, 2024
Thank you, thank you very much.
Dingus | 16 Feb, 2024
Formatting to NTFS may also work,
gamerboy | 29 Jan, 2024
it work thank u
E. N. | 18 Jan, 2024
WHOA this worked for my flash drive! Thanks so much!
D360 | 14 Nov, 2023
Yooo! Like OMG… Thanks dude. Literally almost lost my shit.
Love | 05 Nov, 2023
i have tried multiples methods but not worked, after using your simple method it took 1 sec to solve my issue, much appreciated.
Jonan , Sabula | 06 Sep, 2023
Man, I can't thank you enough, this is dope, long live.
Neil Golden | 18 Apr, 2023
Worked like a charm... whoda thought a simple reformat would take care of it. Much appreciated.
Esther Aderemi | 03 Mar, 2023
Thank you , it worked
Laulak Siddique | 19 Feb, 2023
Thanks! It worked. I was going out of my mind
Colin Jones | 14 Jan, 2023
Perfect solution. Thanks a lot!
Sue Sewell, NA | 13 Jan, 2023
Thanks, worked brilliantly.  Now how do I do the same for a DVD with a 4GB limit?
Obias kunda, Fuchs lubricants | 26 Dec, 2022
Wow thanks have been struggling with my flash disk for so long … its a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️???? to u
vishwanath c k, retd. prof | 24 Dec, 2022
thanks. it worked in a jiffy.
But how to set up security password, locker etc., now that the drive is reformatted .
lordson | 12 Dec, 2022
thanks alot
Tracey C Jones, Tremendous Leadership | 06 Dec, 2022
Thanks so much! Worked like a charm!
Mayank lad | 05 Dec, 2022
Thank you Really worked for me
James Bisordi | 05 Nov, 2022
Thank you, Easy to follow instructions for a quick fix.
Eric Toms | 19 Oct, 2022
Thanks so much for the useful info! Totally worked!
Rasta | 21 Sep, 2022
Thanks Rasta, it worked. Jah bless
FDC | 26 Jun, 2022
Thank you, the fix worked great
SKM | 25 May, 2022
Same issue happened to me sometime back and what i have tried is copying the whole pst, whether 5 GB, 10 GB or even 25 GB data , the whole file as it is gets copied to mobile very easily through datacable.

The only thing is mobile must have that much space which nowadays every mobile comes with huge storage atleast of 64 gb. 

So guys try this
SKM | 25 May, 2022
Same issue happened to me sometime back and what i have tried is copying the whole pst, whether 5 GB, 10 GB or even 25 GB data , the whole file as it is gets copied to mobile very easily through datacable.

The only thing is mobile must have that much space which nowadays every mobile comes with huge storage atleast of 64 gb. 

So guys try this
Chris , Flashbay | 11 May, 2022
Hi Madeleine, 

Thanks for your question.

Some of the TV Shows you're trying to copy to your Flash Drive may be more than 4GB each. If that's the case, you need to follow the steps listed in this blog post - if you haven't already done so.

If you're still receiving an error message, your Flash Drive may be faulty. It's highly unlikely that 4 TV Shows will consume the entire 64GB capacity.

I hope this helps.

Many thanks,

Chris at Flashbay
Madelein | 06 May, 2022
Hi I have a 64gb usb trying to cooing television shows on them after 4 episodes the others won't work o have tried everything
Kara | 01 May, 2022
Thank you! Mine was in exFAT already but the kilobytes were at a very low default setting. I have folders by the year for family photos that I am storing. Still you were able to teach me something new and I found the screen that helped me adjust to what I needed.
iamLOKEE | 07 Feb, 2022
Learnt something new. And my problem is solved too.
Thanks to the author.
Vincent Gwaya, Vince Media | 03 Jan, 2022
Thanks you have help me alot.
vincent gwaya | 03 Jan, 2022
My flash disk is 15GB.I have formated it.I want to copy a video file which is 13GB but when I want to copy a message apearswhich say 'the file is too big'what can I do?
Sergio | 31 Dec, 2021
I need to copy mp3 files from an 8gb USB drive to a 4gb USB drive. The 8gb has about 6gb of mp3 and I want to transfer as much of the files that can fit into the 4gb. Is there a way I can drag and drop the full amount and let some software just transfer what fits?
Graham Ecob | 30 Nov, 2021
Thanks - I was at a loss to understand why it wouldn't copy a large file.
Beth | 16 Sep, 2021
This worked perfectly and took less than a minute!! Thank you for the great information :-)
Steve | 25 Aug, 2021
Thank you.
Your info was great.
Rancor | 10 Jun, 2021
You may need to increase the unit allocation size in order to transfer large files. Mine was set to Exfat128kb and it still wanted more before I could move a 5 gig file.
Deepak | 07 Jun, 2021
Its just easy.  Open your your Hard drive as a portable device and then transfer.  Easy peasy.
Sara | 01 Feb, 2021
Hi Chris
Thank you for your help. I reformatted the usb again to exFat and this time it worked.
Chris , Flashbay | 01 Feb, 2021
Hi Sara,

Thanks for your question.

Without knowing all of the details, it's hard to give a completely accurate answer.

exFAT can handle file sizes of 20GB and above, so it may be an issue with the available space on your drive (unlikely, as I suspect you've already checked this). Or it could be an issue with the actual file you're trying to move. 

It may also be a conflict with your antivirus software, in other words the software may be 'blocking' the file move. Please check your software settings.

Another option is to try formatting the Flash Drive to NTFS if you can, which is a more modern file system, compared to exFAT.

I hope this helps.

Many thanks,

Chris at Flashbay
Sara | 30 Jan, 2021
I purchased a WD eaststore 128GB flash drive. My 128 GB flash drive is already formatted to exfat and it still won't let me move an 20 GB file. 

Please advise.
Cynthia Harrison | 09 Apr, 2020
My 128 GB flash drive is already formatted to exfat and it still won't let me move an 8 GB file.
Sonu | 09 Nov, 2019
Very usefull thanks sir
Mia lee | 17 May, 2017
I was also unable to copy files to my Hard disk the file size was 8 GB and hard disk was 150. I didn't knew what was the problem at that time. After searching I found that it supported FAT32 file type and more than 4 GB file could not be copied. After trying many software which I didn't found satisfactory I found GS Richcopy 360. Although its a paid software but its just awesome. I copies the file file permissions too. Not only that it also solved my problem of long path name. Its other features include multi threaded file transfer, pre scheduled file transfer, email notification when the transfer is done and many more. Try it, its awesome!
Kumar | 08 May, 2017
Well, I too had this same problem and I thought to myself that Windows doesn't math it seems! But after knowing the fact that these drives are FAT32 type and maximum file size is 4GB I got my answer.  After knowing the fact, I started to search answers for it and then one site I found a software named GS Richcopy 360. Reviews were quite impressive so I tried it and it did solved all my problems including long path name support. Now, I have been using this software for around 2 years and its just amazing. Try it hope it helps!
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